The latest, greatest plant-based headlines- read on below!
- Burger King Launches the “Impossible Whopper”
- Democratic candidate Julian Casto Announces an Animal Welfare Platform
- Pork Giant Smithfield Enters the Plant Protein Market
- COK Delivers a 20,000- Signature Petition to Nestle
- DC VegFest is a Huge Hit
- Subway Launches the Beyond Meatball sub
- 7-Eleven Launches Beyond Meat Sausage Pizza
- Starbucks Offers Vegan Yogurt and Bagels
- London University Bans Meat
- Kroger Sells Vegan Eggs
Burger King Launches the “Impossible Whopper” Nationwide
After a successful test phase, Burger King officially dropped its Impossible Whopper in all of its 7,200 stores nationwide. Unlike the classic Whopper, the Impossible Whopper features a plant-based alternative to beef offered by Impossible Foods. The demand has been so great, that many locations are reporting shortgages. I taste-tested it last week and it is indeed scrumptious!
On the Political Front:
Animal welfare enforcement actions have plummeted 65 percent under the Trump administration, according to the Washington Post this week, leading to truly torturous conditions for animals going unchecked. Pledging to undo some of this damage, Julian Castro became the first major candidate this cycle to announce a wide-ranging animal welfare platform for his candidacy.
While Castro isn’t an herbivore himself, there are two vegans running for president: Sen. Cory Booker and Rep. Tulsi Gabbard. Kudos!
Smithfield Pork Enters the Plant-Based Protein Market
Smithfield Foods, a $15 billion food company, is launching a new line of soy-based products under its Pure Farmland brand, including burgers, meatballs and breakfast patties,
COK Delivers Signatures Against Nestlé Cruelty
Compassion Against Killing (COK) turned up the August heat on Nestlé at its VA headquarters! DC’s ABC7 had cameras rolling as their giant inflatable cow soared overhead and they delivered more than 20,000 petition signatures against cruel horn removal in young calves — a brutal and unnecessary practice documented in COK’s recent investigation of a Nestlé supplier. See more at
7-Eleven Launches Vegan Beyond Meat Sausage Topped Pizza
Beyond Meat pizzas are now available at select 7-Eleven Canada locations featuring the brand’s vegan Beyond Sausage crumbles.
The popular convenience chain says it hopes to satisfy its customer’s cravings for delicious pizza while also supporting their desire for “more sustainable and humanitarian products.”
Vegan Yogurt and Plant-Based Everything Bagels are Now at Starbucks
The largest coffeehouse chain in the world has not ignored the public’s rising preference for plant-based food.
University Bans Meat
Goldsmith’s University in London banned beef from all campus shops and cafes. The University will no longer serve any meals made with beef, as part of its goal to become carbon neutral by 2025. See more here:
Kroger is Now Selling Vegan Eggs in 2,100 Stores
More than 2,000 Kroger-owned stores will soon stock vegan eggs made by JUST. The food tech company makes its JUST Egg — which comes bottled in liquid form — with mung beans, which help it gel and cook like egg, and turmeric, which gives it a natural golden color. The cruelty-free egg looks, cooks, and tastes like animal-based egg, and can be used to make dishes like omelets, crepes, French toast, and scrambled eggs.

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