Animal Welfare

To the animals on a factory farm, life is an eternal holocaust

Did you know that pigs are as smart as dogs? In factory farms, this is the short, miserable life of a pig-- crammed into a gestational crate- unable to even turn around.


From the day these animals are born until the day they are slaughtered, they live a life of horrific abuse: Gruesome mutilations, cramped confinement and violent slaughter– their suffering is endless.

We don’t see what goes on in these horrendous factory farms. We simply buy our meat, dairy and eggs in neat little packages in the store. But if we saw the real picture, we’d be horrified. I doubt any human being would ever touch an animal product again if they saw what goes on in a factory farm.

This is happening to intelligent, sentient animals.  If we treated just one dog or cat the way the meat, dairy and egg industries treat billions of animals, we’d be behind bars for animal abuse.  

If we can live without causing harm to these animals, why wouldn’t we?

By choosing animal-free foods, you are sparing these animals a lifetime of suffering!

Please check out any of the websites, movies or books in my Resources to learn more, and to learn about and support animal welfare groups, please check out the Support section!

“The intensive farming of chickens is, in both magnitude and severity, the single most severe, systematic example of man’s inhumanity to another sentient animal.”

            – John Webster

95% of egg-laying hens spend their lives crammed in battery cages in dark warehouses. Each chicken is typically given an amount of floor space equivalent to less than a sheet of letter-size paper.

“The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.”

            – Ghandi

Chickens have been genetically manipulated to grow much faster - more than four times faster. They grow so fast that their suffering is inherent.