Click below to read the latest, greatest stories!
Dijokovic Credits Plant-Based Diet for Outstanding Performance in Australian Open
Joaquin Phoenix Slams Dairy Industry in Oscars Acceptance Speech
KFC Launches Vegan Fried Chicken
Plant-Based “Just Egg” Launched in Whole Foods
Meat Industry is Europe’s Biggest Contribution to Deforestation
100% Plant-Based Athlete Completes 7 Marathons in 4 Days on 7 Continents
Silk Debuts First Ever Heavy Whipping “Cream”
China’s Live Animal “Wet Markets” Considered to Blame for Coronavirus
Februdairy—a Desperate Attempt to Promote the Dying Dairy Industry
Medical Experts Promote Plant-Based Diet to Reverse Type 2 Diabetes
Starbucks is Launching Vegan Breakfast Sausage Sandwiches
Ben & Jerry’s Launches Sunflower Butter Ice Cream (nut allergy sufferers rejoice!))