Hi, I’m Lenora and I’m passionate about eating a whole-food, plant-based diet (WFPB). I’m an animal rights activist and I recently received my certification as a Holistic Nutritionist. Before the pandemic, I held WFPB cooking classes in my home.
I created this blog to prove that not only is WFPB food delicious, but the effects are amazing and incredibly powerful. This is not only the most ethical diet in the world, it just happens to be the best for your health and the environment, too. Eating plant-based is truly a Triple Win!
Check out the TRIPLE WIN section for more info about the amazing benefits of eating a WFPB diet. SUBSCRIBE to receive a Featured Recipe once a month that is delicious, plant-based and guaranteed to please. Check out my other RECIPES including breakfast, lunch, dinner, soups, salads, appetizers and desserts that are favorites among my students, friends and family. I’ve also provided RESOURCES, so you can learn more and explore a wide variety of books, websites, movies and blogs. Click on the PLANT-BASED NEWS tab for the latest news and updates about anything plant-based, new products or animal welfare policies. And finally, if you want to help further the cause, there are links in the SUPPORT section where you can learn about and provide support for some incredible animal welfare groups and organizations.
Read on to gain control of your health, help our environment and provide compassion toward animals!

If it grows on a plant, eat it.
If it’s made in a plant, avoid it.
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